Calling all course creators and experts who want to crush it with their next webinar campaign

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The kick-start video training swipe file with done for you resources to make your next webinar campaign super successful!

Sign me up right now for $497 only $37

Isn’t it time for your to FINALLY get your webinar campaigns making you money rather than have a bunch of people not show up and fewer buy?

Modules Include...


So, how do you Run Better Webinars?

(the answer is below)

Webinars suck for almost everyone that uses them for marketing and sales.

It’s no secret, despite the many “webinar gurus” out there trying to give you their “proven” system to make them work - for many they don't! People like you buy into courses, products and programmes, costing $1,000’s to learn how to make them work, only to get that tumbleweed feeling when they go live - No-one showing up and no sales. "But I thought it was a proven system" is the thought afterwards.

Remember: It's their proven system, for their business - it won't work out of the box for you.

If you’re here on this page then I want to help you cut through the trash that is out there and finally get the tools you need you make webinars work.

Webinars and Online Training is the New Black 

Right now, a surge in online engagement of meetings, webinars and online events is fuelling the coaching, training and expert industries.

What I am going to unpack for you below will help you get on the fast track with your webinar campaigns and finally start seeing more people showing up, AND more of them buying from you. PLUS… it could take you hours not weeks to implement it all.

Here’s how…

Take the resources, swipe files, frameworks and content inside my Run Better Webinars campaign swipe file pack, implement and see the results for yourself. And here’s the best part… it’s almost all


Yes that’s right… I have written the emails, given you the templates, shaped the funnel sequencing for you so you can just copy, paste, add your spin and publish.

This swipe file pack is for those who want to implement FAST!

There are SIX short training videos to watch – you won’t need to sit through war and peace about my whole story of struggle – just access the swipes files, copy, paste, tweak, publish and voilà – your set!

Who am I to be telling you all this?

Me? I'm Ant Hodges – some call me Mr Knowledgepreneur® - you can just call me Ant.

Since the age of 16, I have lived and breathed this online marketing world. On 22nd June 2021, I'll reach 40! I have learned so much about what works and what doesn’t work.

I’ve built my own business to gross over $1m in sales through online courses, coaching programmes and memberships, together with helping some AMAZING Private Clients implement everything needed to model this for their own business.

As a total, self-confessed, marketing geek, getting stuck into the nitty gritty of tech and systems is what I love, but what really get’s excited is seeing others get amazing results from what they learn from me.

My programmes, private client work and mastermind is all about getting results – not just learning more strategies. Run Better Webinars is another opportunity to give you results FAST!

Do you want to suffer through another webinar promo campaign and see only a few people show up, and even less buy?


Let’s do this then! Let’s solve the biggest challenges people like you face when running webinar campaigns:

Problem #1

Not getting people to show up

Problem #2

Not getting people to pay up


The ultimate swipe file binder with done for you resources to make your next webinar campaign success

Here’s what you’ll get...

1. Six EXCLUSIVE Training Videos

Module 1 - Building Your Offer Stack

Starting with the end in mind, you'll learn how to package an IRRESISTIBLE offer that more people will say yes to and buy.

Module 2 - Developing a Show Up Strategy

Actually getting people to show up is one of the hardest jobs when marketing a webinar - you'll learn how here.

Module 3 - Knowing How to Follow Up

In this module you'll see that your follow up is far more than just trying to get registrants to buy what you have to offer.

Module 4 - Positioning Five Offers

Most people use webinars to sell. Making one offer at the end of your presentation is NOT the only place to put an offer.

Module 5 - Seven Pages for Your Campaign

Here Ant will show you the only 7 pages you need to run better webinars and maximise the potential for more sales.

Module 6 - Getting Eyeballs on Your Offer

If people don't see your offer, how will they buy. From start to finish, Ant shows you his Offer Visibility Campaign.

And also...

2. Your Copy of The Run Better Webinars Workbook

Use the pages of the workbook to complete your training notes and prepare your own version of the content needed to make your webinar funnels convert better.

3. All The Email Swipe Files Needed for All Sequences

Simply copy and paste the sequences into your email provider, filling in the blanks and bringing your personalisation to them to make them your own and build relationship with your leads.

4. Webinar Funnel Flow Diagrams 

FINALLY, stop with all the guesswork on how to stick together with your webinar funnel. Copy the workflow with your emails and pages in your preferred platform.

5. Webinar Funnel Page Examples 

Build your pages for your webinar funnel, from registration, thank you page, waiting room page, offer pages, objection handling pages and MORE, from the proven examples provided.

Hold fire…

So you are 100% clear. This is a NOT a long, drawn out, weekly training course to teach you how to run better webinar campaigns

This is NOT about teaching you how to present on a webinar - although I include my high converting webinar slide deck for you to copy.

This IS a strategically placed implementable resource library of swipe files to copy and past into a campaign to get more people to show up to your webinar and for you to be able to sell to more of them.

If you have the systems in place to run webinars already, this is all about optimizing what you already have, or giving you the pieces to put together a webinar campaign that converts out of the box!


The ultimate swipe file binder with done for you resources to make your next webinar campaign

One Time Payment

Create, launch and deliver webinars campaigns that get more people to show up and buy from you:
  • Module 1 - Building Your Offer Stack
  • Module 2 - Developing a Show Up Strategy
  • Module 3 - Knowing How to Follow Up
  • Module 4 - Positioning Five Offers
  • Module 5 - Seven Pages for Your Campaign
  • Module 6 - Getting Eyeballs on Your Offer
  • BONUS - Email swipe files to fill in the blanks
  • BONUS - Page wireframes and content to copy
  • BONUS - Downloadable workbook included
  • SPECIAL BONUS FOR KAJABI USERS - Download Kajabi Page Templates to Re-Brand and Use in Your Webinar Funnel
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